
Martin Svensson

Martin got in to music when his older brother came home from school with a guitar, he was then about 12 years old. He grew up in a family where music was important, everything from jazz to heavy metal could be heard. It didn’t take long until Martin had taken over the guitar and started playing in the school band and local cover bands. When he started at the music program at high school in Malmö (with guitar as main instrument) he got introduced to the world of improvisation and jazz harmony. It was also during high school Martin got more and more interested in classical harmony and theory, much thanks to discovering composers lie Stravinsky, Mahler and Schostakovich.

After high school he studied musicology at Lund University, taught guitar and took private lessons in composition and orchestration. That same autumn Martin got accepted at Gotland school of music, were he studied composition for two years with  teachers such as Sven-David Sandstöm, Per Mårtensson and Henrik Strindberg. During the two years at Gotland school of composition he wrote a number of different chamber pieces, including big band arrangements. 

”In su” for the Swedish chamber ensemble Sonazna. The orchestra piece ”I den nya tiden” (In the new age) that won first price in a contest for young composers announced by the symphony orchestra in Umeå.

The autumn of 2000 Martin was back in Malmö and started a master degree in composition with Rolf Martinsson, Kent Olofsson and professor Luca Francesconi. Since graduation Martin has been busy writing in many styles of music and working as a recording engineer and mixer. The music has mainly been chamber music but he has also done a number of arrangements and original work for pop artist around the world, earning gold and platinum awards in Europe and Japan. Since 2010 he also teaches music production, music theory and ear training.